
FX list


The following exchange rate list applies to transactions in online exchange office, within the application:



Country Currency Units Buying rate Middle Rate of exchange
EU EUR 1 115.0500 117.0275 119.0500
USA USD 1 103.9694 107.7403 111.5112

*Basic package
At Mobi Banka we aim to offer very attractive currency exchange rates to our customers through our mobile or web app. Mobi Banka provides real-time exchange rate updates for euro, the most frequently used foreign currency in Serbia, to stay up-to-date with foreign exchange market movements.

You can use the web and mobile app to buy or sell currency at attractive market rates

You can find the rates offered to Mobi Banka’s customers in the app in columns buy /sell

Please find below the exchange rate for foreign currency and cash applied to transactions outside online currency exchange in Mobi Banka’s mobile or web app.

Exchange rate for foreign currency and cash